Are you a Festival/Event?

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We are here to help advertise & support festivals, competitions & events throughout the UK
Create a quick & easy profile to be featured on our website FREE for the first year! (Just £20 a year after this) 

Your fully editable profile will include:

Your event will then be listed under our Festival Finder which is sorted via areas of the country.
We also have an extensive mailing list of performers & schools up & down the country looking for events to participate in!
The mailing list is divided up by areas of the UK, each performer will have signed up to hear about festivals in the area you are advertising in. So if your festival is in Scotland unless the performer has asked to be informed about festivals further afield your event will be sent directly to your audience close by!
When your festival is added to our site we will send an email to our mailing list to let them know!
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